
I am passionate about asking complex questions and finding elegant answers to communicate a meaningful message.


Data is delicate. There are many ways for mistakes to happen at every turn. Having confidence that the data is accurate from collection to presentation is invaluable.


Results are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. Or so one would hope when following proper scientific method. They may not be the results you want, but they will be the results you need.


Does the project look just as good on the inside as it does on the outside? A solid foundation at every step guarantees a quality finish.


Cutting corners only gives a circle that will roll away. Rigor takes time and effort, which are priceless. Your project is worth it.


Meaning leads to purpose. Purpose leads to action. Action leads to success. It all starts with understanding meaning.


Occam may not have been a successful barber, but his razor remains sharp. Simplicity holds truth and beauty.


Nudging to Freedom

This investigation employs simulations of rational agents within frameworks of wealth distribution and public tax funding, where various social tax mechanisms (or 'nudges') are created and their meritocracy indices compared to allow an empirical measure of how effective each mechanism is for voluntary tax collection.

How Free is Bitcoin?

The cryptographic currency Bitcoin has caused major debate, some considering it the first free-market solution to online commerce while others see it as a bubble fuelled by a group of young tech enthusiasts. This study seeks to examine this discrepancy by aiming to answer whether the price of Bitcoin is influenced by herding behavior and media sentiment.

Training New Colour Boundaries

Former studies have shown how linguistics can form colour categories depending on one's native language. Is it possible to acquire the same results as a non-native merely by exercise, or is it a simple question of upbringing? This experiment attempted to find an answer by training non-native Russians the two Russian colour terms for blue (siniy and goluboy) in hopes of teaching participants to discriminate between new category boundaries.

Cognitive Science and its Discontents

Cognitive Science is a recent field relative to other forms of sciences such as physics, chemistry, and medicine, taking form between 1950-1970, also known as the period of the cognitive revolution. The Kuhnian theory has been related to many scientific revolutions including those, to name a few, in optics, physics, electricity, and chemistry. But what if parallels were to be draw between Kuhn's theory and Cognitive Science? In his monograph Kuhn mentions, “it remains an open question what parts of social science have yet acquired such paradigms at all”.

Computational Modelling

Various reports including eye-tracking, Bayesian Inference, and ASD IQ.



"Dana is very professional, fast to deliver and passionate about meeting client's expectation. I would like to work with her again in the future."

★★★★★ Cristobal B.

"Simple yet effective work. Helped me with in-project and outside-project questions too. Hope to work with again soon."

★★★★★ Sahil M.